

1. the hot, dry air. The hot air makes them perspire ().
People taking a sauna bath sit or lie on a wood platform in
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2. he knew it was his time to fly. }(刚才的那阵微风已经过去了。他能感觉到在后背上一滴一滴地流淌着。他小心翼翼地拿起撑杆。他感到心在砰砰地跳,他相信观众也是如此。全场鸦雀无声。听到远处飞翔的知更鸟鸣时,他知道该是他起飞的时候了。)
When he heard the singing of some distant robins in flight,
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3. The Astroturf he sat on was as hot as the competition he faced today at the National Junior Olympics. }(他的手心在。他需要一条毛巾擦一擦撑杆的握柄。一杯冰水使他不再感到口渴,却很难缓解他的紧张感。他坐在阿斯特罗牌的人造草皮上,草皮就像今天全国少年奥运会中的这场比赛一样热。)
A glass of ice water quenched his thirst but hardly cooled his intensity.
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4. ( )4. —Are you cold (的)?
D. Is it Yang Ming's mug?
收藏 | 出自>小学英语奥赛实验班三年级
5. ( ) 4. —Are you cold (的)?
D. Is it Yang Ming's mug?
收藏 | 出自>小学英语奥赛实验班二年级
6. it might still be possible to experience novelty closer to home. }(当然,美国食物的同化并不能仅仅归咎于冻食物的现。可是不管怎样,要不是因为各地的特色菜都在变成冻食物大餐这样的趋势,我们还是可以在离家近的地方体味到新奇食品。)
Nonetheless, were it not for the trend toward turning regional specialties into frozen dinners,
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