

1. mix up 混
收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高一上)
2. [n. sudden noisy activity](混,骚)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)
3. [n. a confused or disordered mass](混、杂的一堆)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
4. n.垃圾 & vt.
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上)
5. 1. mix up 混
In this part, you will hear a text. Before you start listening, read the following first.
收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高一上)
6. disruption n. 混, 中断
Words you need to know before you listen.
收藏 | 出自>法律英语教程(下)
7. "loose cannon (放炮的人)."
They described her as "very ill-informed" and a
收藏 | 出自>四级真题-阅读(无声音)
8. [n. (an instance of) disturbance, trouble](骚动,混)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
9. [n. not limiting to one sexual partner](婚)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
10. A: 我,公主? 别讲了!
A: Me? A princess? Shut up!
收藏 | 出自>公主日记
11. 12 路边—慌的乘客
I can take you to RT Mart. There is a bus you can take from there.
收藏 | 出自>计程车900句典
12. [n. state of being confused with lots of conflicting situations](迷惑,混)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
13. [adj. in a state of complete disorder and confusion](七八糟的)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
14. [adj. vague or confused](头脑糊涂或混的)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
15. [adj. very bright](眼花缭的,耀眼的)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
16. 世佳人)". She _________ (tell) me she ______________ (see) it five times.
4. My cousin _______ (be) very crazy about "Gone with the Wind
收藏 | 出自>英语基础语法100
17. Hi! I'm Bob. This is my room. It's kind of messy (混的).
收藏 | 出自>同步听力 七(上) 与人教新目标同步
18. 这里真啊。 给你,在你床底下。
What a mess here. Here you are. They are under your bed.
收藏 | 出自>初一英语晨读经典96篇
19. They described her as "very ill-informed" and a "loose cannon (放炮的人)."
Angry politicians launched an attack on the Princess in the press.
收藏 | 出自>100e四级摸底试题(2006年5月18日制作)
20. [n. a state of wild uncontrolled feeling, expressed with great force](疯狂,狂)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
21. [to touch something carelessly in a way that might break it ](动(他人之物);干预)
[meddle with]
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)
22. [n. scattered broken pieces; wreckage](散的碎片;残骸)
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)

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