

1. 突 然,
Suddenly it started to rain.
收藏 | 出自>初二英语晨读经典96篇
2. 才无法启动的原因。同时按Ctrl, Alt 和Delete键。
That's why I couldn't get started. So I have to press Ctrl, Alt and Delete simultaneously.
收藏 | 出自>公务英语会话
3. , 哦,
Rainy day, oh rainy day.
收藏 | 出自>小学英语(五年级下)
4. , 哦,
Rainy day, oh rainy day.
收藏 | 出自>小学英语(五年级下)
5. 彼得把它 扔进屋
Peter throws it into the room and goes out.
收藏 | 出自>初一英语晨读经典96篇
6. The afternoon drifted past in a dream. }(们在天亮前早早起床,因此从大巴来跌跌撞撞走回 酒店时,睡眠的不足犯困。在梦乡中度过。)
{By the time we stumbled off the coach back at the hotel, having been up before dawn, our lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me.
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)

“你打算明天几点见面?”,只要在上面 输入,一百易即刻告诉你这句话“英文怎么说”。