

1. We hear, across the distances, murmurs of ancient hunters and see anew the visions of poets and lovers of long ago. }(月出之时当我们放慢自己的思想让它跟随天的节律种心醉神迷的感觉就会流遍全身我们会打开情感的窗口会让白天被理智锁住的那部分思绪尽情奔涌我们能越过遥远的时空听见远古猎人的低语重新看到的诗人与恋人眼中的世界。)
We open the vents of feeling and exercise parts of our minds that reason locks away by day.
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)
2. 我认为个又英明又好心的人定会
Before, I thought that a man who was wise and good would become rich,
收藏 | 出自>初二英语晨读经典96篇
3. 但是在他的朋友等了之后牛顿 还没回来
But after his friend had waited for a long time, Newton still didn't come back.
收藏 | 出自>初三英语晨读经典96篇
4. A: 离圣诞节还, 我想我们该和你妈谈谈好吗?
A: Well, that's a long way off... and I think we should talk to your mom and see. Ok?
收藏 | 出自>继母
5. Metal detectors now mark the front door of many government buildings, and security guards are a fixture in the lobby of most large office buildings. }(美开放而自居甚至些洋洋得意的在这里普通民众可独自在美会大楼里闲庭信步而现在恐怖袭击可能迫使美人处处小心惶惶不可终日其实我们大程度上已经是这样了许多政府大楼门装设的金属探测器已然成为道风 景线而大部分办公大楼里也都部署了保安人员。)
We already do a lot of that.
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