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![]() 在查到的例句中,用鼠标双击一个词,或拖动选择几个词,就会出现一个小窗口,点击就可查看“英文怎么说”。 |
1. |
What do you think of same-sex marriages?
你对同性婚姻怎么看? 收藏 | 出自>生活英语口语25天快训 |
2. |
2. Sex (性别): F (女)/M(男)
1. Name: 收藏 | 出自>初中英语听力强化训练 第1册 与人教教材同步 |
3. |
write down your sex, and nationality, and on the bottom line,
接下来填写性别和国籍。 收藏 | 出自>境外就业与劳务输出实用英语会话 |
4. |
There's too much violence and sex, all those terrible action films,
有太多的暴力和性场面,到处充斥着那些恐怖的动作片, 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高一下) 模块4 |
5. |
but they contain lots of stories about sex scandals, famous people and the royal family.
但是它们含有很多有关性丑闻、名人和皇室的故事。 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高一下) 模块4 |
6. |
with the Sex Pistols you've got people like the Rolling Stones, and Janet Jackson,
除了性手枪乐队以外,像滚石乐队、珍妮特·杰克逊, 收藏 | 出自>CNN英语视听 第3期 |
7. |
And most importantly, you need to love someone of the opposite sex who will love you.
更重要的是,你想得到同样爱你的异性的爱。 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高三上) 9 |
8. |
Some scientists think that people painted their bodies to be attractive to members of the opposite sex.
一些科学家认为人们通过体绘来吸引异性。 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第4册 |
9. |
The days are gone when women could be referred to as the weaker sex without causing trouble.
称女人为弱者而不会惹上麻烦的日子,已经一去不复返了。 收藏 | 出自>初级英语100(2) |
10. |
People who prey on kids and teens will send messages to try to introduce sex into the relationship.
那些企图“猎获”儿童及青少年的骗子们会发出一些信息,想方设法引你入“性”。 收藏 | 出自>时尚英语小品-隽永小品 |
11. |
"The world is changing so quickly, a person's sex won't even be an issue in a few years."
这个世界变化太快了,几年之内一个人的性别就将不再引起任何争议。” 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高一下) 4 |
12. |
Safe sex (the use of condoms or other disease-preventive measures during sexual contact),
安全的性行为(如使用保险套或其它预防疾病的措施), 收藏 | 出自>高级阅读(2) |
13. |
A sex-crazed male monkey has caused an uproar in a town in central Sri Lanka.
一只“性”致勃勃的公猴子大闹斯里兰卡中部的一个小镇。 收藏 | 出自>新闻英语通(1) |
14. |
Statistics show that most sex crimes are committed by people the victim knows.
统计数据表示,大部分性犯罪的施暴者都是受害者认识的人。 收藏 | 出自>新闻英语通(2) |
15. |
soap operas, and sex have become the norm on televisions throughout the country.
连续剧和性为主题的节目已成了全国电视节目的常态。 收藏 | 出自>中高级听力测验 |
16. |
Scientists at the University of Oxford and the University of Nairobi developed it after research on sex workers in Nairobi.
牛津大学和奈洛比大学的科学家们在经过对奈洛比的性工作者做过测试后开始研发它。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-夏季号 |
17. |
At these events, people meet members of the opposite sex for only a few minutes.
在这些场合中,人们与异性只能有几分钟的会面时间。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-夏季号 |
18. |
Amina Lawal was found guilty of having sex when she was not married.
这位名叫阿米娜·拉沃尔的妇女因为在婚前发生性行为, 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-秋季号 |
19. |
The human rights group also says the law treats people unfairly based on their sex.
人权组织也表示,伊斯兰教法对男女的处罚不同,存在不公正现象。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-秋季号 |
20. |
In many countries, talking about sex and reproduction is considered wrong or against tradition.
在许多国家,讨论性及生育方面的问题被认为是不对或违背传统的事。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-秋季号 |
21. |
People may have talked and sung openly about sex and drugs in the 1980s.
人们在80年代里或许公开地谈论、演唱过这些关于性和毒品的主题。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-冬季号 |
22. |
"Where are the men who came in to you this night? Bring them out to us, that we may have sex with them."
“今晚来到你这里的那两个男人在那里?给我们领出来,叫我们好认识他们。” 收藏 | 出自>《圣经故事》上 |
23. |
AIDS is another problem of great concern so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.
艾滋病是人们极为关注的另一个问题,所以性教育和保健管理非常重要。 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高一下) 模块4 |
24. |
they are trying to arrest you for serving up the tins when the Sex Pistols were singing God Save the Queen.
当性手枪乐队歌唱《上帝拯救女王》时,他们试图以提供罐头食品的罪名逮捕你。 收藏 | 出自>CNN英语视听 第3期 |
25. |
Researchers in the U.S. are conducting experiments to learn if smell may make us more appealing to the opposite sex
美国的研究人员们目前正在进行实验以证实体味是否能使我们更加吸引异性, 收藏 | 出自>CNN英语视听 第5期 |
26. |
Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the "sensational", which feature crime, sex and gossip,
就像大多数国家的报刊,美国的报纸登载的内容涉及轰动性的新闻(犯罪、性和闲话), 收藏 | 出自>英语阅读100(1) |
27. |
My cousin has always really been into the musician scene, you know: Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.
我表哥真的很有音乐家的习性:性、药物和摇滚乐。 收藏 | 出自>老友记情景剧活用句型 |
28. |
HIV spreads mainly in two ways, through sex and through infected blood or blood products.
艾滋病毒的传播主要有两种方式,一种是通过性传播,还有一种是通过血液或血制品传播。 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高二下) 7 |
29. |
Though sexual contact can be a factor in transmission (when blood is involved, as through menstruation or violent sex),
虽然性接触可能是传播此种病毒的因素之一(如经由月事或猛烈的性行为沾到血液), 收藏 | 出自>高级阅读(2) |
30. |
Though people usually think of kinky sex as an "unnatural act" public speaking is in one important way unnatural.
虽然大家通常会把怪异的性行为才当作是“不自然的行为”,但严格地来说,演讲也是不自然的。 收藏 | 出自>高级美国英语教程 |
31. |
It can spread between people through sex or by sharing infected needles or other sharp devices.
它可以通过性交、共用被感染过的针头或其他利器相互传染。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-夏季号 |
32. |
The report says many Ethiopian soldiers and sex workers became infected during the civil war in the 1980s.
报告指出,20世纪80年代内战期间,很多埃塞俄比亚的士兵和从事性服务的人员感染了此病。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-秋季号 |
33. |
It says the release of large numbers of infected prisoners and rising numbers of sex workers is helping the disease to spread.
大量已经感染了艾滋病的犯人被释放,以及性服务行业人数的增长,都导致了疾病的蔓延。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-秋季号 |
34. |
I guess my roommate's having sex again. I guess I'll go to my friends' to sleep.
我想我室友又在做那档事了。我想我只能去我朋友那里睡了。 收藏 | 出自>校园900句典 |
35. |
Most British women are still in love with their long-term partners although almost half daydream about having sex with someone else,
大多数的英国女性仍然爱着她们的长期伴侣,不过几乎有半数的女性梦想能与别人上床, 收藏 | 出自>新闻英语通(2) |
36. |
Sex Girl
Age 13 收藏 | 出自>英语单元测试卷 初一上 与冀教起始版同步(无声音) |
37. |
The Sex Maniac
( )1. 收藏 | 出自>中级美语(上)(2) |
38. |
be the same sex.
3. A man with a net name "Lion King" chases the woman. 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
39. |
Sex: 2 ___________
Birth place: 3 _______________ 收藏 | 出自>快乐英语 第2册 |
40. |
whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex spouses.
Section B 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
41. |
a sex symbol. He
easily blown out 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高一下) 模块4 |
42. |
members of the opposite sex will be
your dog and cat will 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第4册 |
43. |
Sex(male or female)
Sundra Marks 收藏 | 出自>魔法英语同步听力 九年级 与人教新目标同步 |
44. |
single sex school
New words and phrases: 收藏 | 出自>中职中专英语听说 |
45. |
not necessarily of the same sex.
Single egg twins. 收藏 | 出自>英语听说ABC(2) |
46. |
have sex with, and marry.
Section B 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程1 |
47. |
Couples of the same sex.
Section B Multiple Choices 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
48. |
Sex, money and crime
In crime 收藏 | 出自>新闻英语教程(下) |
49. |
Consider the age, the sex,
and the length of your acquaintance as well as the occasion. 收藏 | 出自>猛攻英语四级听力 |
50. |
Age: Sex: M
Telephone Number: 收藏 | 出自>英语听力强化训练 七(上) 与人教新目标同步 |
51. |
to be attractive to members of the opposite sex.
as a ritual before marriage. Brides' hands are painted 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第4册 |
52. |
Who says that women are the ___________ sex?
Sixteen-year-old Kelly Williams from St. Petersburg, Florida is the first fem 收藏 | 出自>B级考试专项突破----听力400练 |
53. |
A. has something to do with sex
A 收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战阅读理解 |
54. |
The Wrong Sex or the Wrong Clothes?
Sylvia and Larry both work for a big company in London. 收藏 | 出自>英语初级口语(2) |
55. |
Task 2: Sex Discrimination
A) True or False Questions. Write a T in front of a statement 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1) |
56. |
According to the author, sex roles____.
A 收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务 |
57. |
Age/Sex? I asked.
How old is the oldest person you will speak to online? 收藏 | 出自>时尚英语小品-青春故事 |
58. |
What are your age/sex?
13/f 收藏 | 出自>时尚英语小品-青春故事 |
59. |
Lesson 36 The Sex Maniac
Lesson 36 收藏 | 出自>中级美语(上)(2) |
60. |
Lesson 77 The Weaker Sex?
Lesson 77 收藏 | 出自>中级美语(下)(1) |
61. |
Lesson 36 The Sex Maniac
Lesson 36 收藏 | 出自>中级美国英语教程(上) |
62. |
Lesson 79 The Weaker Sex?
Lesson 79 收藏 | 出自>中级美国英语教程(下) |
63. |
they could even be of the same sex!
Have you been wooed by someone called "Lion King"? 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
64. |
something about the opposite sex
C. Everyone can't find his/her Miss or Mr. Right if he/she doesn't 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
65. |
between the two sex is in the employment of
craft workers, where males make up 21% of 收藏 | 出自>PETS培训专用教材 第3级 |
66. |
Talking with members of the opposite sex
Talking about personal feelings or experiences 收藏 | 出自>英语口语与文化(北美篇上) |
67. |
UNICEF Child Sex Report
A new report by the United Nations Children's Fund, 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
68. |
3. Sex (性别)
2. Age (年龄) 收藏 | 出自>同步听力 一(上) 与人教JEFC同步 |
69. |
A. Sex differences in physical attributes.
B. Sex difference in intellectual function. 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
70. |
D. Sex differences in hormones.
( )12. 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
71. |
Unit 13 Sex Confrontation
Unit 13 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程1 |
72. |
sex discrimination still exists.
For example, 收藏 | 出自>全国中等职业技术学校通用教材 英语 第一册 |
73. |
These include having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners,
收藏 | 出自>美国之音--标准英语 |
74. |
to include both opposite-sex and same sex couples.
Any adult couple -- same-sex 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
75. |
There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.
In addition to being tested, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级考试听力过关自测 |
76. |
children, different attitudes towards sex, women
working," says Martine. "They sent this image to 收藏 | 出自>100e四级摸底试题(2006年5月22日制作) |
77. |
There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.
In addition to being tested, 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月23日制作) |
78. |
different attitudes towards sex, women working,"
says Martine. "They sent this image to all parts of 收藏 | 出自>四级真题-阅读(无声音) |
79. |
find a sport that was as good for one sex as for the other.
During a visit to Sweden he saw some children playing a 收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高二下册 与人教新课标同步 |
80. |
the opposite sex will be attracted to anyone with the scent.
Sparkle Toothpaste 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第4册 |
81. |
Who says that women are the weaker sex?
Sixteen-year-old Kelly Williams from St.Petersburg, 收藏 | 出自>B级考试专项突破----听力400练 |
82. |
There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.
In addition to being tested, 收藏 | 出自>六级考试历年真题全解 |
83. |
D) Express their anger against sex discrimination.
( )12. 收藏 | 出自>六级考试历年真题全解 |
84. |
Because I'm the wrong sex, of course!
You mean you didn't get the job because you're a woman? 收藏 | 出自>英语初级口语(2) |
85. |
Both of them want a friend of the opposite sex.
Yes. They are husband and wife. 收藏 | 出自>英语初级听力(1) |
86. |
A) The Labour Party; against sex prejudice
B) The Labour Party and the Trades Union Congress; against race prejudice 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1) |
87. |
They are sex and sharing intravenous drug needles.
But people can control them. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语听说教程第三册(3) |
88. |
A) Having sex and sharing intravenous drug needles.
B) Shaking hands and eating together with AIDS patients. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语听说教程第三册(3) |
89. |
A. The division of sex defined roles is completely unacceptable.
B. Women's roles in work are too limited at present. 收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务 |
90. |
I guess I'm the wrong sex, that's all.
Q: Why didn't the woman get the job? 收藏 | 出自>同等学历申请硕士学位应试听力(2) |
91. |
There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.
In addition to being tested, 收藏 | 出自>同等学历申请硕士学位应试听力(2) |
92. |
C. The jokes about cruelty or sex are not welcome.
D. It's the praise that people like to hear. 收藏 | 出自>高考英语快速阅读(无声音) |
93. |
There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.
In addition to being tested, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
94. |
I guess I'm the wrong sex, that's all.
Why didn't the woman get the job? 收藏 | 出自>大学英语四级听力(2) |
95. |
The article shows contempt for same-sex marriage.
content 收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上) |
96. |
rather than the number or the sex of their children,
determines the future of the family. 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
97. |
B. They will realize that the number or sex of their children is less
important. 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
98. |
D. You might not be liked by the opposite sex.
( )2. What features of girls are appreciated by boys? 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
99. |
know what the other sex wants
D. Everyone can find his/her Miss or Mr. Right for opposite sexes 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
100. |
[B] one sex greatly outnumbers the other.
[C] most people are undereducated. 收藏 | 出自>PETS培训专用教材 第4级 |
101. |
There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.
In addition to being tested, 收藏 | 出自>六级听力新解 |
102. |
There were no sex differences in the life and environmental sciences.
In addition to being tested, 收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听 |
103. |
The turtles will be treated and recorded by species and sex.
Then they will be placed in zoos and other nature centers. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
104. |
or the data may represent qualitative variables, such as sex,
college major, or personality type. Large masses of data must 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(3) |
105. |
they are sex and sharing intravenous drug needles.
But people can control them. 收藏 | 出自>四级英语听力分类训练 |
106. |
Birth, love, ___________(5), sex and death
wining 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力应试技巧 |
107. |
B. Sex difference in intellectual function.
C. Sex differences in reproductive function. 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
108. |
C. Sex differences in reproductive function.
D. Sex differences in hormones. 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
109. |
Because I'm the wrong sex, of course!
You mean you didn't get the job because you're a woman? 收藏 | 出自>英语听力强化训练 高二 |
110. |
Because I'm the wrong sex, of course.
It's unfair! 收藏 | 出自>英语听说ABC(2) |
111. |
Because I'm the wrong sex, of course. It's___________!
What sort of clothes does he wear? 收藏 | 出自>英语听说ABC(2) |
112. |
(B) There is a constitutional right to change one's sex;
(C) Elementary school children have a right to determine their own gender in contravention to their biological identity; and 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
113. |
Any adult couple -- same-sex
Couples of the same sex. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
114. |
or opposite-sex -from any country.
Part IV 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
115. |
the same sex, hair, eyes, blood type,
and bone and tooth structure. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
116. |
They are sex and sharing intravenous drug needles.
But people can control them. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
117. |
AIDS is transmitted only through sex.
( )3. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
118. |
sex and the (3)_________of your (4)________________as well as the occasion.
You should know when it is all (5)________to give a 收藏 | 出自>英语四级听力5+15天快训 |
119. |
(S2)___________ the age, the sex, and the (S3)____________ of your
acquaintance as well as the (S4)____________. You should know 收藏 | 出自>猛攻英语四级听力 |
120. |
Sex(please tick): Male Female
Title (please tick): Mr Mrs Miss Ms 收藏 | 出自>初中英语听力强化训练 第3册 与人教教材同步 |
121. |
when Holland enlarged its definition of marriage to include both opposite-sex and same sex couples.
Then Belgium followed. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
122. |
same-sex or opposite-sex --- from any country can come to one of these two provinces,
buy a marriage license and get married. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
123. |
talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, guilt, hate, conflict
and morality to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月22日制作) |
124. |
sex, money and peers. They are the ones who see some value
and lessons to be learned underneath the show's exploitation. 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月22日制作) |
125. |
usually caused by having sex or watching the television with the sound turned up loudly,
(and sometimes both, according to the staff surveyed). 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力模拟试题 |
126. |
including the kind of emotional support rendered by same-sex friends.
The authors of the study also suggest that the generation 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力模拟试题 |
127. |
D. he thought that each sex was as strong as the other
( )7. Korfball began when a Dutch schoolmaster ________. 收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高二下册 与人教新课标同步 |
128. |
f) this person judges other people by the color of their skin, age, sex, etc.
__________________ 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第5册 |
129. |
"Going steady in high school with only one member of opposite sex is a mistake.
Go out with several people---don't put all your eggs in one basket." 收藏 | 出自>美国习惯用语 |
130. |
have used graffiti to show their anger at the sex discrimination,
of many advertisements where women's bodies are used to sell goods. 收藏 | 出自>六级考试历年真题全解 |
131. |
The answer infuriated her all the more and she accused him of sex discrimination.
The best explanation she could get out of him was that it would not be "convenient" for a girl to be on her own in a foreign country as there was only one vacancy. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级口语(1) |
132. |
One's sex is more important than one's other qualities, it seems.
Some departments take in women just as if they are forced to buy some inferior goods. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级口语(1) |
133. |
You're a colourful dresser and very attractive to the opposite sex.
You often have many partners before settling down. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级口语(3) |
134. |
6. ( )The first speaker thinks that sex discrimination in language
matters much. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1) |
135. |
A major issue is the extent to which sex, marital status,
and age should be used as____ for setting rates. 收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务 |
136. |
(S8)_______ between boys and girls on which instruments each sex
should play and reasons varied. While almost half of all boys said (S9)_______ because they were too difficult to play, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
137. |
(因为) sex, nationality (民族), education and so on.
B: Yes. No one ______(be) denied (剥夺) that right on grounds of 收藏 | 出自>英语基础语法100 |
138. |
Anyway, people complain that TV exposes our kids to much sex and violence.
That should be partially responsible for campus violence. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语四六级口试指导与训练 |
139. |
In books of this kind, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex.
People who are taken up by such books can be dispirited and perhaps commit a crime. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语四六级口试指导与训练 |
140. |
Now it was clear that he wanted me to have sex with him.
That was what this meeting was about. 收藏 | 出自>时尚英语小品-青春故事 |
141. |
Consider the age and sex and the length of your acquaintance as well as the occasion.
You should know when it is all right to give a gift of money, and when it would be improper. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语-人机互动练听说(1) |
142. |
some of the basic rules. (2)__________ the age and sex and the (3)________ of
your acquaintance as well as the (4)___________. You should know when it is 收藏 | 出自>大学英语-人机互动练听说(1) |
143. |
Regardless of age or sex, everyone should be treated with respect.
659. 收藏 | 出自>中级追分片语909 |
144. |
The sex scandal has undermined his credibility as a judge.
understatement 收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(下) |
145. |
Regardless of age or sex, everyone should be treated equally in the office.
rely on... 收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战片语 |
146. |
if you have no idea what the other sex wants,
that can really kill your confidence. 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
147. |
If you don't know what the other sex wants,
what will happen according to the passage? 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
148. |
Men and women need opportunities for a wider acquaintance with persons of the opposite sex.
The best way for this purpose is to take part in the social dance, 收藏 | 出自>跟我走进英语口语考场 |
149. |
about violence, superstition and sex. People who are taken up
by such books will be dispirited or perhaps will commit a crime. 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试专用教材 第4级 |
150. |
as a scientist who started out studying sex differences, and "as
a feminist." It also, she notes, stirs smiles among the Handumon 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试-全真模拟 第5级 |
151. |
to start dating or spend time with people of the opposite sex.
Also, 收藏 | 出自>英语口语与文化(北美篇上) |
152. |
The lyrics of rock n'roll music usually have sex,
drugs, and non-conformity among its great themes. 收藏 | 出自>英语口语与文化(北美篇下) |
153. |
Yeah. There are some TV commercials, which involve sex and violence.
It seems that they have no other way to promote their product. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语口语等级考试全真体验4 |
154. |
Have you ever thought about single sex schools?
Definitely not. 收藏 | 出自>中职中专英语听说 |
155. |
2. I think single sex schools are good for boys and girls. ( )
3. Teenagers distract one another when they are in the same schools. ( ) 收藏 | 出自>中职中专英语听说 |
156. |
UNICEF, says millions of children are forced to become sex workers every year.
Most of the victims are girls. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
157. |
It tells about the sex trade in countries including India,
Thailand, West Africa and Eastern and Central Europe. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
158. |
UNICEF says children in the sex trade suffer from sexual,
physical and emotional problems that can last a lifetime. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
159. |
They also suffer from diseases passed through sex.
And they may suffer from social dishonor and rejection by their families. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
160. |
Men wear condoms during sex to prevent the spread of AIDS.
David Heymann is the director of the infectious disease program at the World Health Organization. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(2) |
161. |
One example given is expanding single-sex schooling.
In nineteen ninety-eight, only a few public schools offered any kind of single-sex learning environment. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年6月份) |
162. |
Women would use a microbicide cream or gel before sex.
It might be designed, for example, to kill or inactivate the virus, or to create a physical barrier to guard the cell wall in the body. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年12月份) |
163. |
Love may not last, sex is not always good, love ones die.
For adults, happiness is complicated. 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力应试技巧 |
164. |
that the effects of sex hormones on brain organization occur so early in life
that from the start the environment is acting on differently wired brains in girls and boys. 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
165. |
Since with the exception of sex chromosomes, men and women share genetic material,
how do such differences come about? 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
166. |
Identical twins have the same genes and, hence the same sex,
hair, eyes, blood type, bone and tooth structure. 收藏 | 出自>英语听说ABC(2) |
167. |
(D) A sex-change operation is a medical necessity for those who are unhappy with their bodies.
First, in order for a constitutional right to exist, one must show that the proposed "right" is implicit to the concept of ordered liberty. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
168. |
None of these characteristics is exclusive to the male sex, of course--for the ultimate display of aggressive intensity,
And these days, the audience isn't smiling at the show. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
169. |
(10) _______________ about whom they fall in love with, have sex with, and marry.
summary 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程1 |
170. |
With visions of sex-kitten stars like Britney Spears dancing in their heads,
girls as young as six want to wear trends that make them look like little teens: 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
171. |
(1)_____________ of sex-kitten stars like Britney Spears dancing in their heads, girls
as young as six want to wear (2)____________ that make them look like little teens: 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
172. |
same-sex couples could not marry anywhere in the world.
This restriction was lifted during April 2001, 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
173. |
same-sex marriage became permitted in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Ontario.
Any adult couple -- 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
174. |
By this he meant that news was concerned with sex, money and crime--
the topics people secretly desired to hear about. 收藏 | 出自>新闻英语教程(下) |
175. |
D)Because there are too much sex and violence on TV.
( )2. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-基础训练 |
176. |
fraternal twins inherit a separate assortment of genes and are not necessarily of the same sex.
In some families there is a hereditary tendency to produce fraternal twins, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
177. |
Consider the age and sex and the length of your acquaintance as well as the occasion.
You should know when it is all right to give a gift of money, and when it would be improper. 收藏 | 出自>英语四级听力5+15天快训 |
178. |
and enough information about sex to balance the misinformation that they will surely receive from their friends.
Parents owe their children privacy and respect for their personal belongs. 收藏 | 出自>英语专业八级笔记 |
179. |
In the late 1960s, women's organizations began to demand an end to sex discrimination.
They were quite successful. 收藏 | 出自>听力透析 |
180. |
D. Persons of the same sex have got the exactly similar patterns on their fingers.
( )11. 收藏 | 出自>听力透析 |
181. |
There was broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play and the reasons vary.
And while almost half of all boys said they avoid certain instruments because they were too difficult to play, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级考试听力过关自测 |
182. |
There was broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play and the reasons vary.
And while almost half of all boys said they avoid certain instruments because they were too difficult to play, 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月23日制作) |
183. |
talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, quilt, hate, conflict and morality to a different level.
Clearly, the Jerry Springer shows is a display and exploitation of society's moral 收藏 | 出自>六级真题-阅读(无声音) |
184. |
21-year-olds whose main troubles in life involve love, relationship, sex, money
and peers. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned 收藏 | 出自>六级真题-阅读(无声音) |
185. |
There was broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play and the reasons vary.
And while almost half of all boys said they avoid certain instruments because they were too difficult to play, 收藏 | 出自>六级考试历年真题全解 |
186. |
"All organizations and work units are equally bad in sex discrimination when taking in new employees.
One's sex is more important than one's other qualities, it seems. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级口语(1) |
187. |
Oh bother the Sex Discrimination Act. Surely they can't force me to take on a married woman.
They can't force you to, Mr Clark, but (puase) you mustn't discriminate against someone just because they're married. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1) |
188. |
In the end women got the vote, and very recently - in 1975 - the Sex Discrimination Act was passed.
But it's doubtful whether legislation has changed the way we women actually think. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1) |
189. |
Of course. Your resume should start with your name, sex, age, address and telephone number.
Secondly, you should also include the education level you have received, 收藏 | 出自>校园英语会话 |
190. |
C. Different people need different amounts of energy depending on their age, sex, and the activities they are in.
D. 3 grams of milk provides 16.6 calories because carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm, protein 4.0 Cal/gm, and fat 8.8 Cal/gm. 收藏 | 出自>高三英语快速阅读(无声音) |
191. |
There was broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play and reasons varied.
While almost half of all boys said they avoided certain instruments because they were too difficult to play, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
192. |
it's the father—the first male in our lives —who influences how we relate to the opposite sex.
Fathers have an enormous effect on their children's personalities and chances of marital happiness. 收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级) |
193. |
I think the main solution to children's exposure to sex and violence has to come from their parents.
There should be strict family rules to keep the children away from the horrible TV programs. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语四六级口试指导与训练 |
194. |
And I was excited that I had met someone just like me, but yet the opposite sex.
He even liked Mozart! 收藏 | 出自>时尚英语小品-青春故事 |
195. |
( )1. If you don't know what the other sex wants, what will happen according to the passage?
B 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
196. |
However, if you have no idea what the other sex wants, that can really kill
your _______________. Girls shouldn't think that guys are only looking for beautiful 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
197. |
along with the opposite sex? How, do you think, can we get along well with them?
health 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
198. |
a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may have be damaged,
and this will not be discovered until the birth of (deformed) children or even grandchildren. 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试专用教材 第4级 |
199. |
There was broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play
and the reasons vary. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力新解 |
200. |
There was broad agreement between boys and girls on which instruments each sex should play and the reasons vary.
And while almost half of all boys said they avoid certain instruments 收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听 |
201. |
girls as young as twelve are forced to have sex with armed soldiers in an effort to defend their families.
UNICEF says children in the sex trade suffer from sexual, 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
202. |
The study found that some of the causes for the child sex trade include poor living conditions,
the illegal drug trade and organized crime. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
203. |
UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy told the conference that the child sex trade is a form of terrorism.
She said it uses children most at risk, such as refugees, war victims and children without parents. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
204. |
Delegates at the four-day conference in Yokohama approved a plan to fight the child sex trade.
They called for increased communication among governments, police and legal officials. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
205. |
The majority normally teach boys and girls together but offer some single-sex classes.
Findings on the success of the idea have differed. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年6月份) |
206. |
and put a nationwide media campaign into action to limit the spread of HIV through unsafe sex.
Unit 7 Living with disease 收藏 | 出自>同步听力 高二(上) 与人教SEFC同步 |
207. |
In contrast to identical twins fraternal twins inherit a separate assortment of genes and are not necessarily of the same sex.
In some families there is a hereditary tendency to produce fraternal twins, 收藏 | 出自>英语听说ABC(2) |
208. |
The prospective wife and mother is kept in complete ignorance of her only asset in the competitive field- sex.
Thus she enters into life-long relations with a man only to find herself shocked, repelled, outraged beyond measure by the most natural and healthy instinct, sex. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
209. |
almost two-thirds said they had visited a chat room and been lured into talking about sex.
One in eight had agreed to meet a stranger after an on-line conversation. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程1 |
210. |
Same-sex marriages are expected to be legal and available across the entire country sometime in 2004.
Some political authorities have special legislation that allows gay and lesbian couples to register their committed relationship and gain some benefits. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
211. |
Many people believe that same-sex marriage will eventually become available to all loving,
committed adult couples throughout North America and Western Europe, 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-听说教程2 |
212. |
In contrast to identical twins, fraternal twins inherit a separate assortment of genes and are not necessarily of the same sex.
In some families there is a hereditary tendency to produce fraternal twins, 收藏 | 出自>英语专业考试四级全真模拟题 |
213. |
We learn our Mathematics, English, Physics, etc., but what do you learn about sex, marriage and things like this?
These are just as important but we don't learn very much about them. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级口语(2) |
214. |
"For ten weeks I was the only woman among four hundred men, and some of them were rude to me, just because of my sex.
It was also very tiring—from 8 in the morning to 5 at night, with only 30 minutes for lunch." 收藏 | 出自>大学英语-人机互动练听说(2) |
215. |
Men wear condoms during sex to protect themselves from passing or receiving diseases like H-I-V.
A one-year supply of rubber condoms costs about fourteen dollars. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
216. |
The report also notes concerns about possible increases in human trafficking for the sex trade in Germany during the World Cup.
Prostitution is legal in Germany, but the German government says it has taken steps to prevent trafficking. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年6月份) |
217. |
In nineteen ninety-eight, only a few public schools offered any kind of single-sex learning environment.
Today, there are more than two hundred. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年6月份) |
218. |
Bill and Melinda Gates called for faster research to develop preventions like microbicides for women to use when they have sex.
The hope is that such products could protect against infection with the virus that causes AIDS. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年8月份) |
219. |
Delegates also heard calls to speed up the development of microbicide gels to help protect women against H. I. V. during sex.
Scientists say an effective microbicide appears to be five to seven years away. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年8月份) |
220. |
Two studies in Africa showed that circumcision can reduce a man's risk of getting HIV through heterosexual sex by half.
And that's the VOA Special English Development Report, written by Jill Moss. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年12月份) |
221. |
Two studies in Africa found that circumcised men had half the risk of getting H.I.V. from sex with women as uncircumcised men had.
Researchers declared an early end to the studies in Kenya and Uganda so all the men involved could be offered the operation. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年12月份) |
222. |
Major sex differences in intellectual function seem to lie in patterns of ability rather than overall level of intelligence.
We are all aware that people have different intellectual strengths. 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
223. |
Lastly, we discussed the recent decision of the County of San Francisco to pay for its employees decisions to have sex change operations.
According to a San Francisco Chronicle article dated May 1, 2001, the county places limits on payment for prosthetic limbs and cardiac reconstructive surgery. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
224. |
Identical twins have the same genes and, hence, the same sex, hair, eyes, blood type, and bone and tooth structure.
Some identical twins are mirror images of each other. 收藏 | 出自>英语专业考试四级全真模拟题 |
225. |
Doctors are not sure what causes the condition, but certain things can increase the risk by interfering with normal bacteria. These include having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners, douching and using an IUD, or intrauterine device, for contraception. However, Dr. Myer says there’s at least one other contributing factor.
which produce hydrogen peroxide – or most of which produce hydrogen peroxide – that maintains an acidic PH in the vagina. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音--标准英语 |
226. |
Mizz Bellamy said the sex trade continues even though more than one-hundred-ninety countries approved a historic United Nations agreement protecting the rights of children.
Delegates at the four-day conference in Yokohama approved a plan to fight the child sex trade. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(1) |
227. |
Thus she enters into life-long relations with a man only to find herself shocked, repelled, outraged beyond measure by the most natural and healthy instinct, sex.
if, however, woman is free and big enough to learn the mystery of sex without the sanction of State or Church, she will stand condemned as utterly unfit to become the wife of a "good" man, his goodness consisting of an empty head and plenty of money. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
228. |
undermine her health and break her spirit, must stunt her vision, abstain from the depth and glory of sex experience until a "good" man comes along to take her unto himself as a wife?
That is precisely what marriage means. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
229. |
I refuse to believe that the founders of our nation contemplated that this site would be used to argue that it is discriminatory to decide, as a matter of public policy, that taxpayers will not pay for sex-change operations.
I cannot believe that the Founders believed that we are born victims and prisoners of our own genetic identity. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
230. |
When I suggested to my opponent that children's needs should be prioritized over the choice to have a sex change operation, the live audience laughed at me.
What was even more sad was that there was not one critic of the demands for transgender rights in the audience of approximately 60 people who attended the debate. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |
231. |
if, however, woman is free and big enough to learn the mystery of sex without the sanction of State or Church, she will stand condemned as utterly unfit to become the wife of a "good" man, his goodness consisting of an empty head and plenty of money.
Can there be anything more outrageous than the idea that a healthy, grown woman, full of life and passion, must deny nature's demand, must subdue her most intense craving, 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程1 |