

1. A. 1000 years.
B. 100 years.
收藏 | 出自>初中英语听力强化训练 第6册 与人教教材同步
2. C. About 1000.

收藏 | 出自>魔法英语同步听力 八上 与人教新目标同步
3. Oh, it's only $1000.
I'm afraid we are a little overspent this month.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语综合技能训练-听说
4. n. period of 1000 years
3. abolish: 
收藏 | 出自>大学英语听说教程第四册(2)
5. 1000 km per minute. ( )
5. The sun is three hundred thousand times larger and more
收藏 | 出自>初二英语快速阅读(无声音)
6. learned over 1000 words.
The little girl looked pale.
收藏 | 出自>听力实践(语法篇)(2)
7. "But you told me it was $1000."
"I know. It was $1000 to find out the family," she said.
收藏 | 出自>魔法英语-中考夺标精练
8. B. She asked for $1000.
C. She asked for $2000.
收藏 | 出自>魔法英语-中考夺标精练
9. B: A________ 1000, right? But w_________ are they?
A: Some of them are in Sichuan, and some of them are in Gansu.
收藏 | 出自>英语活学活用 五年级上册 与人教PEP同步
10. Around the year 1000 A.D.,
some people from northwest India began to travel westward.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语听力强化训练与应试技巧
11. B. About 1000 metres.
C. About 10,000 metres.
收藏 | 出自>初中英语单元测试 初三 与人教JEFC同步
12. ( )13. That small town is 1000 kilometers ____.
收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 九年级全一册 与人教新目标同步
13. 1) 1000 rebels have been killed.
2) Fighting began in the northern area of Djibouti last year.
收藏 | 出自>英语听力100
14. of USD 1000 from the commission we are entitled to.
The fluctuation of exchange rates may result in MNCs' loss-
收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务
15. about 1000 meters beneath the ocean.
Scientists at the site transmit sound waves into the ocean.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级标准预测试卷
16. may handle 1000 planes a day.
Any plane that flies near the airport,
收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级标准预测试卷
17. "OK." Mrs. Lee said, "But it will cost $1000."
It was a lot of money, but Mr. Smith agreed finally.
收藏 | 出自>魔法英语-中考夺标精练
18. There are about 1000 pandas in China now.
收藏 | 出自>英语活学活用 五年级上册 与人教PEP同步
19. A. There are about 1000 panda in China now.
B. There are 1000 pandas in China now.
收藏 | 出自>英语活学活用 五年级上册 与人教PEP同步
20. B. There are 1000 pandas in China now.
C. There are about 1000 pandas in China now.
收藏 | 出自>英语活学活用 五年级上册 与人教PEP同步
21. C. There are about 1000 pandas in China now.
D. There are about 1000 pandas in China.
收藏 | 出自>英语活学活用 五年级上册 与人教PEP同步
22. D. There are about 1000 pandas in China.
( )2.
收藏 | 出自>英语活学活用 五年级上册 与人教PEP同步
23. ( )2. There are 1000 pandas in China now.
( )3. The pandas are all in Sichuan.
收藏 | 出自>英语活学活用 五年级上册 与人教PEP同步
24. ( )3. The____announced that it will reduce 1000 jobs.
收藏 | 出自>高职高专英语应用能力考试专项集训-词汇(1)
25. A) At three, a baby will know about 1000 words.
B) At two, a baby will know about 300 to 500 words.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语听力强化训练与应试技巧
26. speeds of over 1000 w.p.m. can be reached,
but this would be quite exceptional.
收藏 | 出自>英语演讲(下)
27. C. Well, it is about 1000 miles from here.
D. It's better to take a bus.
收藏 | 出自>B级考试专项突破----听力400练
28. 1. We have learned about 1000 English words.
2. He himself wrote the article.
收藏 | 出自>初级英语100(1)
29. About 1000 English words have been learnt by us.
The article was written by himself.
收藏 | 出自>初级英语100(1)
30. only about 1000 giant pandas still exist.
So far I have learned English for five years.
收藏 | 出自>初级英语100(2)
31. The USD 1000 we owe you should be deducted from the
commission we are entitled to. / Please deduct the amount
收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务
32. They were abandoned 1000 years ago by Anasashi Indians.
These flashy hotels are the newest constructions in Vegas.
收藏 | 出自>这样听英语
33. c. Special device built to protect paper and other objects for 1000 years.
( )1. 2 The idea for this Times capsule came from_______.
收藏 | 出自>这样听英语
34. 2. 5 Since the Times Capsule is not to be open for 1000 years,
it would be easily forgotten. ( )
收藏 | 出自>这样听英语
35. About 1000 giant pandas still survive in the wild,
but only a very few have ever been seen alive outside China.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语四级听力(2)
36. the mountains of Western China. About 1000 giant pandas
(S2)________, but only a very few have ever been (S3)________.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语四级听力(2)
37. ( )32. It's about 1000 metres____his house____the station.
收藏 | 出自>初中英语同步练 七下 与冀教教材同步(无声音)
38. the students had already learned over 1000 words.
收藏 | 出自>听力实践(语法篇)(2)
39. A. Small college edition dictionaries with about 1000 words.
B. Small college edition dictionaries with about 1, 000, 000 words.
收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程1
40. There are about 1000 students and 100 teachers in our school.
I go to school from Monday to Friday.
收藏 | 出自>初中英语听力 第二册(上) 与人教教材同步
41. that emits low frequency sound about 1000 meters beneath the ocean.
Scientists at the site transmit sound waves into the ocean.
收藏 | 出自>六级听力新解
42. "I know. It was $1000 to find out the family," she said.
"It's another $1000 to keep secret what I found out!"
收藏 | 出自>魔法英语-中考夺标精练
43. "It's another $1000 to keep secret what I found out!"
收藏 | 出自>魔法英语-中考夺标精练
44. Pentagon: More than 1000 troops wounded since war's start.
Thursday, July 10, 2003
收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力分类训练
45. Pentagon: More than 1000 troops wounded since war's start
Thursday, July 10, 2003
收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力分类训练
46. The Pentagon said more than 1000 U.S. troops have been wounded
in Iraq since March 20th, when a U.S. —led (S7) _____________started the war.
收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力分类训练
47. Kyoto was the great capital for well over 1000 years.
Today's noisy Tokyo was completely rebuilt after its ruin in World WarⅡ.
收藏 | 出自>英语口语八步
48. Around the year 1000 AD some people from the north-west India began to travel westwards
- nobody knows why.
收藏 | 出自>100e四级摸底试题(2006年5月25日制作)
49. Around the year 1000 AD some people from the north-west India began to travel westwards
- nobody knows why.
收藏 | 出自>四级考试历年真题全解
50. By 1937 it had carried 1000 passengers safely and had even transported circus animals and cars.
Its sister ship, the Graf Zeppelin, had flown one and a half million kilometers and it had carried 13,100 passengers without incident.
收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1)
51. 5. It is _______________ today. I lost 1000 yuan in the shoe store. (我倒霉透了)
you to take part in it. (输)
收藏 | 出自>英语惯用法100(1)
52. About 1000 years ago, people started 55____last names in England. Some of these
names, such as Carpenter and Baker, came 56____the jobs people did. Some told
收藏 | 出自>英语单元测试卷 初二上 与冀教起始版同步(无声音)
53. Around the year 1000 A.D., some people from Northwest India began to travel westward.
Nobody knows why.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语-人机互动练听说(2)
54. The researchers lowered a loud speaker that emits low frequency sound about 1000 meters beneath the ocean.
Scientists at the site transmit sound waves into the ocean.
收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听
55. Around the year 1000 A. D. some people from Northwest India began to travel west wards.
Nobody knows why.
收藏 | 出自>四级听力 不听胜听
56. Around the year 1000 A. D. some people from Northwest India began to travel west wards.
Nobody knows why.
收藏 | 出自>大学英语四级最新真题名师点评
57. The researchers lowered a loud speaker that emits low frequency sound about 1000 meters beneath the ocean.
Scientists at the site transmit sound waves into the ocean.
收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力应试技巧
58. Assume that both restaurants produce 1000 hamburgers per day at the same per unit cost.
Restaurant A can gain a cost advantage over B if it can lower its HRM-related costs without decreasing its productivity.
收藏 | 出自>工商管理英语教程(下)
59. 2. How many people worked in 1000 illegal mines in the 18 suburban districts? ________________________________________________________
3. Why did the Beijing government decide to do so? ________________________________________________________
收藏 | 出自>高中英语听力强化训练高一上 与人教SFFC同步
60. The amount of energy needed to life a man to the Moon is about 1000 kilowatt-hours and that costs only ten to twenty dollars!
The difference of nine zeros between this and the Apollo budget is a measure of our present incompetence.
收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(2)
61. 我 想 换 1000 元 外汇券, 请算算 需要 多少 港元?
换 300 美元 要 用 多少日元?
收藏 | 出自>Communicative Chinese(2)
62. The Pentagon said more than 1000 U.S. troops have been wounded in Iraq since March 20th,
when a U.S. —led airstrike started the war.
收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力分类训练
63. I can make a firm offer of 1000 metric tons of oil at $ 300 per metric ton FOB New York, July and August shipment.
Quality inspection shall be conducted by a recognized surveyor agreeable to the buyer.
收藏 | 出自>剑桥商务英语辅导教程(BEC2)

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