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![]() 在查到的例句中,用鼠标双击一个词,或拖动选择几个词,就会出现一个小窗口,点击就可查看“英文怎么说”。 |
1. |
We all know that a magician does not really depend on "magic" to perform his tricks,
我们知道一个魔术师不是真的依靠“魔力”来表演, 收藏 | 出自>英语晨读30分(高二) |
2. |
To perform such feats, ventriloquists once wore long mustaches to hide lip movement.
为了表演这样的技艺,腹语表演者一度留着长胡子来掩饰嘴唇的动作。 收藏 | 出自>空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? |
3. |
That means showing him or her how to perform the job properly and efficiently.
也就是指导他或她如何正确且有效地完成工作。 收藏 | 出自>空中美语-商贸篇-寻找职场意中人 |
4. |
Education Department officials say they had not expected so many schools to perform poorly.
教育部的官员说他们没有想到会有这么多学校不合格。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-夏季号 |
5. |
They did so after students in these schools did not perform well on tests for two years.
这些学校的学生两年内考试成绩一直不好。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-夏季号 |
6. |
They say these young doctors may be too tired to perform their medical duties effectively.
他们认为,这些实习医生也许会因为太累而不能有效行使他们的医务职责。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-秋季号 |
7. |
Listen now to the young voices of the American Boychoir as they perform God Bless America.
现在请听年轻的“美国男孩乐队”演唱《上帝保佑美利坚》。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-冬季号 |
8. |
The two surviving members of RunDMC said they will no longer perform in honor of their former DJ.
RunDMC中幸存的两名成员说为了对他们的前DJ表示敬意,他们将不再演出。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-冬季号 |
9. |
James Taylor will be traveling for several months to perform songs from his new album.
詹姆士·泰勒将花几个月的时间巡回演出新专辑里的歌曲。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-冬季号 |
10. |
"Go in to your brother's wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her, and raise up seed to your brother."
“你去与你哥哥的妻子亲近,与她尽你为弟弟的义务,给你哥哥立后。” 收藏 | 出自>《圣经故事》下 |
11. |
Today modern magicians can perform feats of magic that would have been impossible years ago
今天,现代的魔术师可以表演一些几年前根本不可能完成的魔术节目, 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高三上) 9 |
12. |
the heart beating under the spotlight as if it were an actor that knew that this could be its last chance to perform.
心脏在聚光灯下跳动,好像一个演员知道这是最后一次表演一样, 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第5册 |
13. |
At present computer machines follow 240 million instructions a second, and soon they'll perform a billion instructions a second.
二 收藏 | 出自>无忧英语-全真模拟试题高二分册 |
14. |
some people have complained to me that I often expect them to perform beyond their abilities.
有些人向我抱怨过,说我常常对他们在能力方面期望过高。 收藏 | 出自>校园英语会话 |
15. |
When she was 11, Britney was old enough to perform in the Mickey Mouse Club and starred on the popular show for two years.
她11岁时,已经可以在米老鼠俱乐部表演了。此后两年她担任俱乐部流行节目的主演人。 收藏 | 出自>时尚英语小品-娱乐在线 |
16. |
As scientists work to learn about the way the brain performs the thousands of tasks it is called on to perform each day,
随着科学家们了解到大脑是如何完成每天成百上千的任务的方式, 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高一下) 3 |
17. |
They have found that student achievement is determined not only by how well students perform on standardized tests.
他们发现学生的成绩并不能只通过是否在测试中有良好的表现来决定。 收藏 | 出自>高中英语(高二上) 5 |
18. |
It's more important to enjoy the game and get stronger from sports than to perform well in them.
享受运动的乐趣和借此强身比在运动项目上表现优异更为重要。 收藏 | 出自>观光英语通(1) |
19. |
perform (表演) good music. After a period (一段时期) if you
instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to 收藏 | 出自>魔法英语-英语同步新课堂 八上 与冀教教材同步(无声音) |
20. |
Musicians and singers who worked with Elvis Presley will perform in front of huge television screens showing Elvis singing.
和猫王工作过的音乐家和歌手们将在播放猫王演唱(录像)的巨大电视屏前演唱猫王歌。 收藏 | 出自>英语听读练30’(高一) |
21. |
The agreement meant that Christy's minstrels had the right to perform every new song Foster wrote.
协议规定克里斯蒂的滑稽说唱团有权演出福斯特写的每一首新歌。 收藏 | 出自>交互式慢速英语-春季号 |
22. |
I feel as though I perform best when I'm faced with deadlines or other responsibilities.
我认为我在面对期限或其他职责时的表现最好。 收藏 | 出自>面试900句典 |
23. |
Yes. Interships holders are required to teach 20 hours or to perform 20 hours of research per week.
助教薪金获得者必须每星期教学或研究20小时。 收藏 | 出自>出国英语口语25天快训 |
24. |
[n. a long thin rod that magicians use to perform magic](棒,棍,杖,(表示官职的)权杖)
[wand] 收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级) |
25. |
and they perform beautifully.
Dolphins swim and jump well. 收藏 | 出自>初中英语-第11册(七年级上) |
26. |
direction perform beautifully
jump feet above bear strong 收藏 | 出自>初中英语-第11册(七年级上)(2006年6月第2版) |
27. |
and perform on musical instruments.
They collect everything from books to butterflies, and from shells to stamps. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级口语(2) |
28. |
They perform them naturally.
To acquire these skills, you need a lot of practice and patience. 收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语口语绝招-语音突破经典 |
29. |
They perform them naturally.
To acquire these skills, 收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语口语绝招-语音突破经典 |
30. |
C. perform (a duty)
D. be on duty 收藏 | 出自>高中英语阅读技巧十法(无声音) |
31. |
(A) How to perform an operation.
(B) How to get to work. 收藏 | 出自>中高级听力测验 |
32. |
D. perform good
( )3. 收藏 | 出自>魔法英语-英语同步新课堂 八上 与冀教教材同步(无声音) |
33. |
perform (7)______________ on the plane
gives patients (8) _______________ 收藏 | 出自>牛津初中英语(八年级下用) |
34. |
+ ance perform→performance
+ ence prefer→preference 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高一下) 4 |
35. |
(C) Perform on the radio.
(D) Submit their suggestions to the dean. 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(3) |
36. |
A. To perform with the discoverer's band.
B. To marry the man who discovered her tallent. 收藏 | 出自>顾中行英语课堂 听力教程与训练(高二) |
37. |
(C) Perform on the radio.
(D) Submit their suggestions to the dean. 收藏 | 出自>托福听力-全真试题详解(2) |
38. |
Who will come to perform?
I hear that the National Symphony Orchestra will come to perform. 收藏 | 出自>英语听力强化训练 高三 |
39. |
they tend to perform better.
Well, I hope they can find something else to be passionate about. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
40. |
( )13. What will they perform in the show?
B 收藏 | 出自>新阳光英语听力过关高中版 |
41. |
B)Perform his assignment.
C)Move in here. 收藏 | 出自>高等学校英语应用能力考试试卷(A级)最新版 |
42. |
The doctor will not perform the operation____it is absolutely
necessary. 收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战英语语法 |
43. |
Scientists perform laboratory tests,
and other research to develop new products and improve old ones. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语听说教程第四册(1) |
44. |
developed to perform specific tasks
the right size and characteristics 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
45. |
Are you going to perform this evening?
No. We'll only have a matinee today. 收藏 | 出自>听力实践(语法篇)(1) |
46. |
The orchestra will perform in a few minutes.
But before it does, 收藏 | 出自>PETS培训专用教材 第2级 |
47. |
The orchestra will perform in a few minutes.
But before it does, I'd like to tell you about the hall's recent renovation. 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试-全真模拟 第2级 |
48. |
or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级标准预测试卷 |
49. |
So you relax and perform.
After that you can't control anything anyway. 收藏 | 出自>英语口语与文化(北美篇上) |
50. |
A)how well they perform in class
B)how carefully they prepare their lessons 收藏 | 出自>高职高专英语应用能力考试专项集训-阅读(练习) |
51. |
(C) Perform in a musical recital.
(D) Interview the violinist. 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(2) |
52. |
or another of the vitamins as coenzymes to perform the
chemistry that provides cells with energy for growth and 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(3) |
53. |
(C)Perform in a musical recital.
(D)Interview the violinist. 收藏 | 出自>托福听力-全真试题详解(1) |
54. |
14. What are they going to perform for?
C 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高三) |
55. |
________________________________ A child may perform a little
dance of joy _________________________ _______________ which he cannot adequately express 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
56. |
to perform as one part of the whole
had the responsibility of producing 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
57. |
A)teach the dog to perform clever tricks
B)enable the dog to regain its normal behavior 收藏 | 出自>100e四级摸底试题(2006年5月25日制作) |
58. |
C)the foundation for dogs to perform tasks
D)essential to solving the dog's behavior problems 收藏 | 出自>100e四级摸底试题(2006年5月25日制作) |
59. |
C) they encourage people to perform dangerous achievements
D) they generate more love than hate among people 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月18日制作) |
60. |
B) encourage us to perform important tasks
C) help to perfect the legal and penal system 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月18日制作) |
61. |
ability to perform well on a consistent basis," says
Neil P. Lewis, a management psychologist. "But if two 收藏 | 出自>四级真题-阅读(无声音) |
62. |
A) teach the dog to perform clever tricks
B) enable the dog to regain its normal behavior 收藏 | 出自>四级真题-阅读(无声音) |
63. |
C) the foundation for dogs to perform tasks
D) essential to solving the dog's behavior problems 收藏 | 出自>四级真题-阅读(无声音) |
64. |
C) they encourage people to perform dangerous achievements
D) they generate more love than hate among people 收藏 | 出自>六级真题-阅读(无声音) |
65. |
B) encourage us to perform important tasks
C) help to perfect the legal and penal system 收藏 | 出自>六级真题-阅读(无声音) |
66. |
most of us perform it rather effortlessly.
A status has been compared to ready-made clothes. 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力模拟试题 |
67. |
To achieve changes, the whistler tries to perform the
same movements with his teeth, mouth, tongue, and throat 收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高二下册 与人教新课标同步 |
68. |
Or it may be because they are nervous and don't perform well.
Going for a job interview is never easy whether it's for a full-time career, or a part-time job during the holidays. 收藏 | 出自>无忧英语-全真模拟试题高二分册 |
69. |
perform English short plays already.
B 收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战英语语法 |
70. |
D) He didn't perform well in the interview.
( )7. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪大学英语单元测试与学习 (二) |
71. |
The famous dancer will come and perform an Indian dance.
__ 收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语突破英语国际音标 |
72. |
D. It was a large theatre house to perform dramas.
( )16. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
73. |
requirement "because Indians were not qualified to perform!"
frank 收藏 | 出自>四级听力最新综合模拟题集 |
74. |
I have to perform in front of the whole school.
I've never done this before, you know. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语-人机互动练听说(2) |
75. |
How did you perform on the exam?
15. 收藏 | 出自>中高级听力测验 |
76. |
[C] They perform their music as a means of individual.
[D] They possess detailed knowledge of the rules of jazz composition. 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试专用教材 第4级 |
77. |
[D] feel energetic and perform adequately
Part B 收藏 | 出自>PETS培训专用教材 第3级 |
78. |
perform some nice programs in the party. Everyone
is welcome. Please come in time. 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试-全真模拟 第2级 |
79. |
[D] feel energetic and perform adequately
Part B 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试-全真模拟 第3级 |
80. |
The doctor will operate on the patient. He will perform
an operation. 收藏 | 出自>牛津初中英语(八年级下用) |
81. |
together again to tour and perform their old music.
Skills building 2: finding out about people's lives 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高二下) 8 |
82. |
They also learn to perform medical operations.
There are twenty-eight schools of veterinary medicine in the United States. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(3) |
83. |
perform operations and help animals give birth.
Many also are involved in the study of diseases, 收藏 | 出自>美国之音慢速英语(3) |
84. |
it is possible to perform millions of tests in a day.
In the past, some scientists have questioned 收藏 | 出自>美国之音--慢速英语 |
85. |
Won't Mr. Tang perform today?
There he comes. 收藏 | 出自>英语听听说说(高二) |
86. |
great composer/ born/1770/talent/age/1781/Vienna/perform/
Mozart/amazed/1817/deaf/creative/finest/works/life/sadly/1827 收藏 | 出自>小学英语阅读100篇(1) |
87. |
To this surprise, the bee began to perform a dance on the
surface of the ____________. First it made a circle to the right, 收藏 | 出自>同步听力 高三 与人教SEFC同步 |
88. |
4. He maintained that the (perform) _________________ was a splendid one.
performance 收藏 | 出自>高职高专英语应用能力考试专项集训-词汇(2) |
89. |
(A) They do not need to perform photosynthesis all year.
(B) Too much water would evaporate through the leaves otherwise. 收藏 | 出自>托福历年全真试题(4) |
90. |
(A) Find out where their professor is going to perform.
(B) Go to a concert. 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(2) |
91. |
(D) She was pleased to be asked to perform.
( )22. 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(3) |
92. |
(A) Find out where their professor is going to perform.
(B)Go to a concert. 收藏 | 出自>托福听力-全真试题详解(1) |
93. |
(D) She was pleased to be asked to perform.
( )22. 收藏 | 出自>托福听力-全真试题详解(2) |
94. |
the 7-member Andrew Young Band is to perform in Beijng,
on the evenings of November 29 and 30 in Beizhan Theatre. 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高一上) |
95. |
What instrument won't the Band perform?
Unit 11 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高一上) |
96. |
( )3. What instrument won't the Band perform?
A 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高一上) |
97. |
others, most of us perform it rather effortlessly
Furthermore, our choice is limited to a size that 收藏 | 出自>四级英语听力分类训练 |
98. |
What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community!
Just about anything that can be accomplished through these columns. 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力应试技巧 |
99. |
( )15. When will the orchestra perform this week?
C 收藏 | 出自>英语听力强化训练 高三 |
100. |
If journalists perform the service of informing public debates,
then they determine which cultural conversations people need to be aware of and engaged in. 收藏 | 出自>新闻英语教程(上) |
101. |
Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs.
Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind, 收藏 | 出自>左学右练学英语2(听力部分) |
102. |
B) The actors and actresses only perform in their communities.
C) They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>猛攻英语六级听力 |
103. |
The priest had the power to perform the rite.
9. 收藏 | 出自>英语听力八步(1) |
104. |
A. Different workers have different duties to perform.
B. Workers generally don't move up and down. 收藏 | 出自>听力透析 |
105. |
It was difficult to take being beaten and then going on to perform."
By 1979, he had become an adult star with "Off The Wall". 收藏 | 出自>高中英语听力强化训练高三 与人教SFFC同步 |
106. |
He or she needs children to perform a lot of everyday work.
The roles of parents and children are then changed. 收藏 | 出自>A级考试历届真题试卷透析(第三版) |
107. |
He or she needs children to perform a lot of everyday work.
The roles of parents and children are then changed. 收藏 | 出自>A级考试历年真题名师点评 |
108. |
You know there are a lot of us who like to get on a stage and perform.
What kind of show? 收藏 | 出自>新阳光英语听力过关高中版 |
109. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they join. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级考试听力过关自测 |
110. |
B) The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C) They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级考试听力过关自测 |
111. |
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose a breed that has the right size and characteristics. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级考试听力过关自测 |
112. |
perform well on a consistent basis," says Neil P. Lewis, a management
psychologist. "But if two or three candidates are up for a promotion, 收藏 | 出自>100e四级摸底试题(2006年5月18日制作) |
113. |
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月18日制作) |
114. |
who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out
of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as 收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月18日制作) |
115. |
D) women are very careful to perform actions during peak periods
( )35. It can be concluded from the passage that____. 收藏 | 出自>四级真题-阅读(无声音) |
116. |
to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out
of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, 收藏 | 出自>六级真题-阅读(无声音) |
117. |
requiring local hospitals to perform hearing tests on newborns.
Liu Jun, director of the municipal health bureau, urged hospitals to detect and treat hearing loss as early as possible. 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力模拟试题 |
118. |
National Ear Care Day, requiring local hospital to perform __________ tests on newborns.
1 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力模拟试题 |
119. |
You know there are a lot of us who like to get up on a stage and perform.
What kind of show? 收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高二下册 与人教新课标同步 |
120. |
500 pounds each time they perform. What's more,
they have quite a lot of expenses. They have to 收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高二下册 与人教新课标同步 |
121. |
The value of computers lies in their ability to perform certain tasks extremely quickly and accurately.
These tasks include solving numerical problems, 收藏 | 出自>高职高专综合英语第1册(上) |
122. |
them to see a show with me. Obviously, once they'd 15. ____ them perform,
they were as keen on them as I was, so now when I go see a show, 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第5册 |
123. |
You have to perform alone and we'11 provide a musician.
There are some rules--no limit on age, 收藏 | 出自>无忧英语-全真模拟试题高三分册 |
124. |
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, 收藏 | 出自>六级考试历年真题全解 |
125. |
Unskilled laborers perform jobs that require no special skills,
such as sorting, packing, or moving materials. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语听说教程第四册(1) |
126. |
and it's easy to reprogram them to perform totally different operations.
That's one reason why they're becoming so popular. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语听说教程第四册(1) |
127. |
3. If the seller fails to perform any of his obligations
under the contract, the buyer may require performance by 收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务 |
128. |
7. If one party's failure to perform the obligation stipulated
in the contract results from Force Majeure, such as flood, 收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务 |
129. |
8. A party is not liable for failure to perform any of his
obligations if he proves that the failure was due to an 收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务 |
130. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they join. 收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语听力王-考研全真模拟 |
131. |
B. The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C. They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语听力王-考研全真模拟 |
132. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they join. 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高二上) 5 |
133. |
B. The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C. They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高二上) 5 |
134. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they joined. 收藏 | 出自>同等学历申请硕士学位应试听力(2) |
135. |
B. The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C. They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>同等学历申请硕士学位应试听力(2) |
136. |
c) They perform their music as a means of individual self-expression.
d) They possess detailed knowledge of the rules of jazz composition. 收藏 | 出自>应试英语听力(2) |
137. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they joined. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
138. |
B. The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C. They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
139. |
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
140. |
which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery.
But I know when the journey began—the day Mom snapped off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library. 收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级) |
141. |
which could be seen in the destruction of cells necessary to perform cloning research.
Campbell's judgment: a yellow light on the issues raised by human cloning, and a flashing red light on other implications of cloning research. 收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级) |
142. |
The clown is too out of shape to perform stunts in the circus.
be short for... 收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战片语 |
143. |
birthplace of New York to perform in hip musical centre Greenwich.
Jones, encouraged by other musicians, started her own band and after recording 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
144. |
able to perform various tasks after intensive training.
Step 1 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程2 |
145. |
The next step is to define the attributes of a person that are necessary for them to perform the job effectively.
Skills and Knowledge 收藏 | 出自>新要求大学泛听教程4 |
146. |
These programs tell computers how to perform useful tasks.
Bill Gates attended Harvard University after high school. 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试专用教材 第4级 |
147. |
and they can be very useful when they have a job to perform.
Maybe dreams will then make people more effective some day. 收藏 | 出自>PETS培训专用教材 第3级 |
148. |
[D] evaluation of his potential ability to perform his work
( )4. What is the writer's attitude towards people of strong abilities? 收藏 | 出自>PETS培训专用教材 第3级 |
149. |
[B] older women usually perform better in their jobs.
[C] the major cause of the poverty older women is sexism. 收藏 | 出自>PETS培训专用教材 第4级 |
150. |
[B] older women usually perform better in their jobs.
[C] the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexism. 收藏 | 出自>全国英语等级考试-全真模拟 第4级 |
151. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they join. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力新解 |
152. |
B) The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C) They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力新解 |
153. |
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, 收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听 |
154. |
about 4. 5 million people work or perform in these theatres
for an audience of more than 50 million people annually. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听 |
155. |
Many people join in community theatres because they wan to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they join. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听 |
156. |
B) The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C) They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听 |
157. |
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级标准预测试卷 |
158. |
about 4. 5 million people work or perform in these theatres,
for an audience of more than 50 million people annually. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级标准预测试卷 |
159. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform,
or to be creative. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级标准预测试卷 |
160. |
B) The actors and actresses only perform in their own communities.
C) They exist only in small communities. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级标准预测试卷 |
161. |
An area where actors, dancers, singers, etc. perform.
sateg 收藏 | 出自>牛津初中英语(八年级下用) |
162. |
eye problems visit the ORBIS plane. Doctors can perform (1)________________
on them to help them see again. Many people in poor countries 收藏 | 出自>牛津初中英语(八年级下用) |
163. |
perform more useful functions than just as entertainment.
All in all, robots could do much more in the future than 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高一下) 4 |
164. |
c. a medical doctor who does not perform operations
d. amounts of something 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高二下) 7 |
165. |
They work in laboratories and treatment centers and learn to perform operations.
There are twenty-eight schools of veterinary medicine in the United States. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年7月份) |
166. |
There are many theories about why males and females perform differently in their schooling.
Some are based on recent brain research, but others center on environment. 收藏 | 出自>VOA慢速英语(2006年7月份) |
167. |
Now be quiet; the curtain is rising and the string orchestra is going to perform.
What do you think of the overture? 收藏 | 出自>英语听听说说(高二) |
168. |
10. _____________________ computers, people are able to perform a task that would
take too long otherwise. 收藏 | 出自>国际金融英语口语 |
169. |
Global and Disc have each invented a device to perform a certain job.
The two things are very similar. 收藏 | 出自>企业管理英语口语(第二版)(2) |
170. |
horse and rider perform a set routine of dressage movements,
including passages, 收藏 | 出自>表现美型运动 |
171. |
skaters, perform an original arrangement of techniques to music of their choice.
As judges deduct points for a programme that consists of too many or too few jumps, 收藏 | 出自>冰雪水上运动 |
172. |
To his surprise, the bee began to perform a dance on the surface of the honeycomb.
First it made a circle to the right, then to the left. It repeated these circles over and over again. 收藏 | 出自>同步听力 高三 与人教SEFC同步 |
173. |
It is believed that some dinosaurs were intelligent, ability to perform
complex activities, and perhaps even capable of social behavior. 收藏 | 出自>托福历年全真试题(1) |
174. |
spectrum and perform a chemical analysis. For some larger particles
that are not completely burned up and that arrive at the Earth's 收藏 | 出自>托福历年全真试题(1) |
175. |
(A) The elders must give approval to perform sacred dances.
(B) The elders make sure the dances are performed properly. 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(2) |
176. |
And guess what? One or two music majors might be selected to perform with the company.
What? You mean stand up in front of hundreds of people and sing? 收藏 | 出自>托福全真试题集(3) |
177. |
Could you please tell me how they perform?
All the actions, such as drinking, eating, rowing boats, riding horses or fighting against each other, 收藏 | 出自>顾中行英语课堂 听力教程与训练(高二) |
178. |
(A) The elders must give approval to perform sacred dances.
(B) The elders make sure the dances are performed properly. 收藏 | 出自>托福听力-全真试题详解(1) |
179. |
One or two music majors might be selected to perform with the company.
What? You mean stand up in front of hundreds of people and sing? 收藏 | 出自>托福听力-全真试题详解(2) |
180. |
You know there are a lot of us who like to get on a stage and perform.
What kind of show? 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高三) |
181. |
Young will also perform some of his own works,
as well as Chinese and English pop songs, 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高一上) |
182. |
They tell a story and you watch actors perform the story.
24. 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高一下) |
183. |
C. The woman was telling him how to perform well in the interview.
Text 3 收藏 | 出自>同步听力(高二下) |
184. |
During experiments dolphins have learned to perform tasks that require logical reasoning,
so their intelligence is unquestionable. 收藏 | 出自>四级英语听力分类训练 |
185. |
Men, on average, perform better than women on certain special tasks.
In particular, 收藏 | 出自>六级英语听力应试技巧 |
186. |
I hear that the National Symphony Orchestra will come to perform.
They will arrive on Thursday, and they will have a one-day rest. 收藏 | 出自>英语听力强化训练 高三 |
187. |
You know there are a lot of us who like to get up a stage and perform.
What kind of show? 收藏 | 出自>英语听力强化训练 高三 |
188. |
managers can double their starting salary in three to five years if they perform well.
The typical buyer in a department store earns $50,000 to $60,000 per year. 收藏 | 出自>工商管理英语教程(下) |
189. |
In what kinds of events do women out-perform mean?
Question 2. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-功能训练 |
190. |
Each worker has a particular duty to perform as one part of the whole operation.
A good example of the division of labor is an assembly line in an automobile factory. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
191. |
Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.
Several people in a community theatre group were asked why they join. 收藏 | 出自>猛攻英语六级听力 |
192. |
Most breeds originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, 收藏 | 出自>猛攻英语六级听力 |
193. |
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks.
So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, 收藏 | 出自>英语专业考试-四级听写(2) |
194. |
can do to perform well in a college course is to take
(1)_____________class notes. The following notes should help you 收藏 | 出自>英语专业八级笔记 |
195. |
Each worker has a particular duty to perform as part of the whole operation.
A good example of the division of labor is an assembly line in an automobile factory. 收藏 | 出自>听力透析 |
196. |
In short, a strong will can encourage us to perform wonderful deeds.
To sum up, honesty, diligence, devotion and perseverance, 收藏 | 出自>英语演讲(上) |
197. |
( )6. Japanese people perform special dances to celebrate Obon.
T 收藏 | 出自>高中英语听力强化训练高一下 与人教SFFC同步 |
198. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级考试听力过关自测 |
199. |
These include slavery, working in dangerous factories, and forcing children to perform sexual acts for money.
The report says child slavery is found in south Asia, Southeast Asia and West Africa. 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力模拟试题 |
200. |
Families are paid by people who take the children away to do dangerous work or perform sexual acts.
ILO says it has found one million children are performing sexual acts for money in Asia. 收藏 | 出自>考研英语听力模拟试题 |
201. |
3. If you watch Luciano Pavarotti perform, what kind of music do you like?
4. If you admired a painting called Guernica, what kind of art would you like? 收藏 | 出自>超越目标英语 第6册 |
202. |
The most important job of the man in this society was to learn, teach, and perform the religious ceremonies associated with farming.
Women worked in the fields and prepared all the food. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1) |
203. |
Mrs Kellerman, why is it that some children perform much better than others at school?
Obviously, it can't be denied that certain children are brighter than others, but it's not as simple as that. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(2) |
204. |
C. In one society, men might perform what is considered women's duties by another.
D. Some of the women's roles in domestic duties can not be taken over by men. 收藏 | 出自>国际商务英语及电子商务 |
205. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语听力王-考研全真模拟 |
206. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高二上) 5 |
207. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>同等学历申请硕士学位应试听力(2) |
208. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
209. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力新解 |
210. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力 不听胜听 |
211. |
Years of systematic efforts are required for the team to be able to perform adequately various exercises of skill,
speed, endurance, and jumping of obstacles. 收藏 | 出自>表现美型运动 |
212. |
They have become entertainment centers where Hollywood singers perform regularly every evening.
There is a mystery at the San Juan Capistrano Mission. 收藏 | 出自>世界风光小故事 |
213. |
With binary numerals, modern computers can perform well over one billion computation per second.
D 收藏 | 出自>托福历年全真试题(1) |
214. |
If the applicants recruited this way perform their jobs as well as those recruited through help-wanted ads,
the restaurant will have lowered its costs without sacrificing productivity. 收藏 | 出自>工商管理英语教程(下) |
215. |
A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall.
The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. 收藏 | 出自>猛攻英语六级听力 |
216. |
Many of the metals and alloys which perform satisfactorily in a car cannot be used in a jet-propelled plane.
New alloys must be used, because the jet engine operates at a much higher temperature than an automobile engine. 收藏 | 出自>英语专业八级笔记 |
217. |
about 4.5 million people work or perform in these theatres for an audience of more than 50 million people annually.
These theatres are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级考试听力过关自测 |
218. |
Yes – there are classical concerts here a lot – the other students perform here and I go to those when I can.
What abut exhibitions – have you ever -? 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(1) |
219. |
about 4.5 million people work or perform in these theatres for an audience of more than 50 million people annually.
These theatres are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies. 收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语听力王-考研全真模拟 |
220. |
about 4.5 million people work or perform in these theatres for an audience of more than 50 million people annually.
These theaters are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies. 收藏 | 出自>牛津高中英语(高二上) 5 |
221. |
About 4.5 million people work or perform in these theatres for an audience of more than 50 million people annually.
These theatres are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies. 收藏 | 出自>同等学历申请硕士学位应试听力(2) |
222. |
About 4.5 million people work or perform in these theatres for an audience of more than 50 million people annually.
These theatres are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语六级听力(2) |
223. |
tribal governments were encouraged to ask for exemptions for both the BIA and themselves from the Indian preference requirement "because Indians were not qualified to perform!"
Test Four 收藏 | 出自>四级听力最新综合模拟题集 |
224. |
Scientific studies show people working under too much pressure generally don't perform as well as they do when they are not under extreme pressure.
Psychologically, too much pressure can lead to mental problems or disorders. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语-人机互动练听说(2) |
225. |
About 4. 5 million people work or perform in these theatres for an audience of more than 50 million people annually.
These theatres are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies. 收藏 | 出自>六级听力新解 |
226. |
They say studies show that sixth graders in an elementary school perform better on tests than do sixth graders in a middle school.
They also note research showing that by the sixth grade, 收藏 | 出自>美国之音--慢速英语 |
227. |
The scientists who did the studies now want to see if the two genes only act on brain size or also perform other duties.
They point out that the genetic changes took place around the same time as important cultural changes. 收藏 | 出自>美国之音--慢速英语 |
228. |
Musicians and singers who worked with Elvis Presley will perform in front of huge television screens showing Elvis singing.
About Seven-hundreed-thousand people visit Graceland every year. 收藏 | 出自>英语听读练30’(高一) |
229. |
Contracting-out is popular because it makes it possible for other companies and individuals to perform functions previously done by a company's own staff.
For example, accounting-though a basic requirement of any business-is carried out by accountants who may have little or no knowledge of the products manufactured and marketed by a business. 收藏 | 出自>剑桥商务英语辅导教程(BEC2) |
230. |
Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most of us perform it rather effortlessly.
A status has been compared to ready-made clothes. 收藏 | 出自>四级英语听力分类训练 |
231. |
If a part fails to perform correctly it can cause minor glitches as well as problems that can carry serious repercussions,
such as in the National Semiconductor case. 收藏 | 出自>21世纪研究生英语-综合教程2 |
232. |
A child may perform a little dance of joy to express happy feelings which he cannot adequately express in words:
gesture and movement satisfy the need for expression and also convey the emotion to others. 收藏 | 出自>大学英语阶梯听力-综合训练 |
233. |
about 4. 5 million people work or perform in these theatres for an audience of more than 50 million people annually.
These theatres are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies. 收藏 | 出自>猛攻英语六级听力 |
234. |
One of the most important single things you can do to perform well in a college course is to take effective class notes.
The following hints should help you become a better note-taker. 收藏 | 出自>英语专业八级笔记 |
235. |
You should at least walk down, but preferably walk up, because by walking upstairs you actually perform really quite a useful aerobic exercise,
that's an exercise that develops stamina, and that's having a beneficial effect on your whole body, toning you up and helping to protect against heart disease. 收藏 | 出自>英语中级听力(2) |
236. |
(Pair-work) The following is a timetable of daily activities. Different people perform these activities at different times. Now find out at what time each of these activities takes place for your partner.
Timetable 收藏 | 出自>英语听说第1册 |
237. |
Importers are aware that the bank opening the credit will only perform its undertaking if it possesses all the document that satisfy the requirements laid down via the documentary credit.
The documentary credit is not a credit in the sense that certain liquidities are made available, 收藏 | 出自>国际贸易英语教程(上) |