

1. 5. Theaters will be able receive ___________(贝)
take out
收藏 | 出自>英语听读练30’(高二)
2. [which doctors think may cause heart disease](胆固)
[n. a chemical substance found in fat, blood, and other cells in one's body,
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)
3. 一只大臭叮了一只小甲,但是 小甲回叮了大臭
A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.
收藏 | 出自>初一英语晨读经典96篇
4. ( )12. What letter is an insect (昆)?
D. Rooms.
收藏 | 出自>小学英语综合能力过关测试
5. and black insects (昆) brighten parks and gardens as they
in the northern United States and Canada. These large orange
收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战完型填空
6. pesticides(杀剂). He says, "Since plants do not have jaws
out that up to 10% of a plant's weight is made up of natural
收藏 | 出自>100e六级摸底试题(2006年5月18日制作)
7. 4. Some laymen (外行) take _______________________ as a real bug. (千年)
clinging to the machine from morning till night.
收藏 | 出自>英语惯用法100(2)
8. All bats like to eat insects(昆). They eat at night an sleep
holes in the head.
收藏 | 出自>英语学习辅导 第7册 与人教PEP同步
9. 如果黑色的子流黑色 的血,蓝色 的子流什么颜色的血呢?
If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color blood does a blue bug bleed?
收藏 | 出自>初一英语晨读经典96篇
10. pesticides(杀剂). He says, "Since plants do not have jaws or teeth to
Berkeley, points out that up to 10% of a plant's weight is made up of natural
收藏 | 出自>六级真题-阅读(无声音)
11. like his parents. Then he is going to 35____a lot of insects (昆), a lot of bad insects.
gets shorter and 33____. And he has 34____legs and a very short tail. Now he looks
收藏 | 出自>英语单元测试卷 初二上 与冀教起始版同步(无声音)
12. n.;小毛病 & vi.烦扰;安装窃听器
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上)
13. 眼睛 ……气色…… 可惜眉毛活像两只毛毛
Eyes... lovely... but hidden beneath bushman eyebrows.
收藏 | 出自>公主日记
14. 你知道为什么不同的动物或昆有着它们特殊的颜 色?
Do you know why different animals or insects have their special colors?
收藏 | 出自>初三英语晨读经典96篇

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