

1. —Really? ____! (2004 四
—I'm going on a trip to London after the exam.
收藏 | 出自>教材导读-英汉对照-九上-与冀教教材同步(无声音)
2. is so nice. (四
—Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything
收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战英语语法
3. 35 子( 长的)
35 forks(long)
收藏 | 出自>小学英语(四年级上)
4. Roasted pork fillet
Chinese food
收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语-校园英语听讲力
5. at least a million dollars. (四
According to the art dealer, the painting____to go for
收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战英语语法
6. —Of course. ____, sir. (四、吉林)
I decide?
收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战英语语法
7. vt.粘住 & n.
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上)
8. —I have no idea. He____it this morning. (四
—Has Sam finished his homework today?
收藏 | 出自>高考英语攻略-挑战英语语法
9. 2. 这些是子还是勺子?
2. Are these forks or spoons?
收藏 | 出自>小学英语(二年级上)
10. Tourist Attractions in Sichuan Province (四省旅游名胜)
Part 39
收藏 | 出自>英语听力100
11. The gelatinous(冻状的)peat is considered the first stage in the formation of coal.
Then, as the oxygen is used up, the bacteria die and the decay stops.
收藏 | 出自>英语六级听力5+15天快训
12. 发现his wife正头丧气地sit in an old chair.
The fisherman opens the door,
收藏 | 出自>大胡子伯伯英语高级版 第1册

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