

1. n. & vt.延迟,耽
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上)
2. (性的) sand. Almost 20 percent this area is well
United States covering a wide area with its alkali
收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高二下册 与人教新课标同步
3. n. 样,型;形式
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上)
4. [n. thick, flat (usu. square or rectangular) piece of stone, wood, or other solid substance](;片(石,木,或其他硬物的厚,通常为方形或矩形))
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)
5. ( )39. This manuscript (手稿) ____ the 8th century.
D. working on
收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高一下册 与人教新课标同步
6. 35 子( 长的)
35 forks(long)
收藏 | 出自>小学英语(四年级上)
7. Roasted pork fillet
Chinese food
收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语-校园英语听讲力
8. n.草图,草稿 & vt.草拟
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上)
9. 录音稿及答案:Tom isn't in.
C. Tom isn't in the classroom.
收藏 | 出自>英语听力达标 九年级 与人教新目标同步
10. D. The Declaration was accepted after heated debate (论).
C. The Americans celebrate each year their National Day on July 5.
收藏 | 出自>英语疑难扫描 高二下册 与人教新课标同步
11. vi.争执 & vt.论;主张
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战单字(上)
12. C. described(描)what Venice is like
B. showed up where Venice is
收藏 | 出自>高三英语快速阅读(无声音)
13. [(be able to) be summarized as something](结为)
[boil down to]
收藏 | 出自>研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)
14. 将 A 因于 B
attribute A to B  
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战片语
15. 将 A 因于 B
owe A to B
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战片语
16. 将 A 因于 B
ascribe A to B  
收藏 | 出自>TOEIC挑战片语
17. 责备, 谴责;
收藏 | 出自>国中小常用进阶800单字辞典

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